Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad 

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Governing Body  Links  
  • FINA  (The international governing body of swimming)
  • LEN  (The European governing body of swimming )

 Useful ASA Link

Regional Links

County Links

Local Pools

  •       Beeches Pool - Birmingham Council Site

    League Links

  • Coaches Links

    Swimming Magazine Links

    Swimming Suppliers Links

    Olympics and Commonwealth Games

    Other Links


  •        Local Clubs

    Disclaimer: Perry Beeches Triple S accept no responsibility or liability arising in respect of any content on any of the above links operated by third parties.  Perry Beeches Triple S do not recommend or endorse any of the above sites.  If you would like your site to be included then please contact the

     Home  |  Club Info  |  Swimming Sessions |  Fees  |  Fixtures  |  Pool Locations  |  Learn to Swim   History   |  Contact  |  Links    |  Coaching

                                 birmingham city council image and link          PBSSS is affiliated to the ASA West Midlands Region




    .If you spot any errors on this site, please email the to let us know. Thanks!