Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad 

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Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad are extremely lucky to have some excellent coaches

Head Coach  :  Dave Marsh

  Dave Marsh                                                                                                                                                            Click for Job Description

Swimming Coaches / Teachers  :                                                         Click for Job Description


Amaro Viloria, Gary Tonks , Helen Pordage , Jackie Crean , Brian Shermer, Vicky Jones, Louise Kilbride, Emma Morgan, Emily Minchin, Tahir B-Hanley, Mandy Blizard, Ellie Crean, Sam Crawford, Rob Wright, Kavita Gaddu, Jose Davis


We are very grateful for the time and effort that they all put into our club.

Perry Beeches SSS follows the national teaching plan for swimming, and regularly assesses its swimmers to see if they have attained the correct standard to progress to the next group.

It is recommended that all length swimmers attend at least two sessions a week (where possible).

When swimmers reach the junior development squad, it is recommended that the swimmers attend a minimum of three sessions a week.

What is the club's approach to Child Protection? We take child protection extremely seriously within the club and follow the Amateur Swimming Association’s (ASA) guidelines. We are also a Swim21 accredited swimming club which sets minimum standards for child protection.

If you have any child protection concerns then please contact Sian Breese, our child protection officer. Or you can ring the ASA’s own child protection Swim Line on  0808 100 4001  0808 100 4001 .

Our coaches are CRB checked as are any of our volunteers who are likely to work with the swimmers.

Free Trial - Contact for more information

 Home  |  Club Info  |  Swimming Sessions |  Fees  |  Fixtures  |  Pool Locations  |  Learn to Swim   History   |  Contact  |  Links    |  Coaching

                             birmingham city council image and link          PBSSS is affiliated to the ASA West Midlands Region




.If you spot any errors on this site, please email the to let us know. Thanks!