Perry Beeches SSS Masters Swim Team Claim 7 Golds in Derby

Perry Beeches Masters swim team have managed to finish  2013 of  in style, by claiming 7 gold’s at IX Etwell Masters Meet held at the Queens Centre pool in Derby last weekend

The beeches team competed against 44 others team from around the England  as the last big Masters swimming competition of the year.

The swimmers that travelled  to Derby were Jenny Powell, Steve Dunn, Ross Emery, Rebecca Smith, Claire Thorn and Angelika McDonald…

Over the  day of the meet , The beeches SIX produced some amazing performances both individually and as part of Beeches relays teams , they eventually  came away from the pool at the end of day

 with 7 gold’s, 6 slivers, Plus another two silver medal performances in the ladies freestyle and medley relays both times loosing the gold by less than second to the City of Derby Swimming Club ladies team…

beeches Masters

Overall it was great team effort which  as a result meant  Beeches had been  placed 8th in the team competition out ofthe 44 masters club that competed  

,  special note of well done must  go to  Angelika and Steve who were taking part in their 1st  swimming events in over 20 years….

The Perry  Beeches masters team  now numbers over 20 members ranging in ages from 20`s to 50`s is looking forward to great 2014..why not pop down and have a swim just for fun or maybe  even to race.,

the New Beeches Masters Coach Tom Reader is ready and waiting to get you back into swimming..anyone interested in Masters swimming then just Call Mandy Blizzard for more details 07793560698

Top club results…

Beeches masters  came an amazing 8th out of 44 masters club from all over England…

(Link to Over Club results)

Link to Individual results