Juniors – message from Katalina

Hello Everyone!

So far, it’s been great coaching the Perry Beeches team- we’ve gathered all timed swims and technique assessments and know exactly where everyone is at. So now it’s just a matter of learning, developing, improving and becoming The BEST SWIMMER you Can Be!!

The Diddy teams that have been with me on Mon, Weds and Fri have been superb. Very enthusiastic, very driven and keen to learn and improve.

The next Diddy League which is coming up is on 5th April… -I was planning on being there and supporting it, but unfortunately I have to undergo surgery on 3rd April on my ear.

I went to an ear specialist and discovered I have a condition which disintegrates the bones in my right ear, so if left untreated, it can eventually disintegrate the bone which separate the ear to the brain which would result in an infection on the brain. So, I’m feeling very pleased and blessed that it’s been found at this early stage.

Recovery will be about 6 weeks, but aiming to return to work after half term at the end of April, so definitely hoping to attend the next Round 2 of the Diddy League on May 10th!

I’m very keen to see how we all do on the 5th- I’ll be thinking of you all!

SWIM POWERFULLY!! – We’ll be practising all of the essential parts of the race though this week so you all feel ready and RARING to JUMP IN & DO YOUR BEST!!
