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PBSSS Newsletter June 2014

Dear Parents/Grandparents/Carers,

My name is Abby Turner and I am the newly appointed Chief Instructor for PBSSS. I started my role towards the end of March 2014 and I have been working ‘behind the scenes’ to put some new structures and ideas in place to support the progression of our swimmers. I feel that I am now at a point where I can formerly introduce myself and to inform you of some of the key changes that myself, the coaching team (Tom Reader and Katalina Smalley) and the committee have agreed on.

Before I inform you of the updates, I felt I should give you a short background about myself. Although I only joined PBSSS as a swimming teacher in September 2013, I did used to compete competitively at a swimming club in my home town in Essex. This love for swimming then led me to taking my swimming teachers qualifications at the age of 16 in order to share my love for the sport with children. Alongside being the Chief Instructor for PBSSS I am also a Special Educational  Needs teacher at a local primary school so teaching children is part of my everyday life.

In order for our children to progress and enjoy the Learn to Swim (LTS) programme, we at PBSSS strongly believe that it needs to be a team effort, which includes involving you in having a say as to what you want to see more or less of. Therefore if you ever have any concerns, ideas, or questions please do not hesitate to contact me:


Mobile: 07534 341 199

Alternatively if you would rather speak to me in person then I regularly attend the Wednesday session (from approx. 6.30pm) and Friday evenings (from approx. 7.15pm). If these times are inconvenient for you then please do not hesitate to contact me with when your child swims and I will endeavor to come and see you at this time.

I look forward to meeting  you all and getting to know your children better.

Abby Turner, PBSSS Chief Instructor


For the full version of the Newsletter please click: Newsletter June 2014

Katalina is very happy with the Diddys performance

What a FANTASTIC night on Saturday!!!!
I have just finished analysing results, and wow am I OVER THE MOON with every single one of you!!- We finished with a remarkable 233 points which is 12 points ahead of second, WELL DONE!!
We also got TWENTY NINE, 29, better times than out last gala in May, and TWENTY ONE, 21, higher finishing positions than May, and 28 Personal BESTS overall!!!
Now THAT Diddy’s is BRILLIANT!
A mightily well- DESERVED FIRST PLACE!!
A particular acknowledgement too to the swimmers who did their VERY FIRST relay/ individual Diddy Races too!!- You were MARVELLOUS!!- Without you, we wouldn’t be where we are now!! I knew you could do it!!
Also, a BIG SHOUT OUT to all the swimmers who SWAM UP in their races!!- Wow, what performances!! You did the team proud because EVERYONE could see how much effort and diligence you were putting in, and that’s what we aim for– Diligence, Maximum Effort and a Super Awesome attitude towards team mates, coaches, your parents and everyone else!!
We have finished overall with 618 points, EXCELLENT, I already know that this is more than Stourbridge who WERE ahead of us, but they got 617 points, so let’s see whether this has been enough to put us through to Finals!
Now, these achievements are absolutely well worth creditation and recognition, so myself, Jo Spencer, Tom Reader & Abi are putting together a Presentation type Fun event which will see swimmers get awarded for their super awesome swims **WATCH THIS SPACE, Updates to come soon!!**
I am compiling everyone’s personal records so that swimmers can keep better track of their progression, and measure how well they’re doing, and also see where we can improve even more. Personal records are great to keep us all motivated and moving upwards and onwards!!
 I will issue these out very soon!!- You will be able to see their personal pathway progress, and also see the overall Diddy Fastest Times Records for this 2014 Season!– We can get even faster!
Thanks so much to ALL Coaches, ALL parents, ALL volunteers who came along on Saturday and showed FULL support, it was a GREAT Atmosphere and a truly rewarding night!!
Diddy Swimmers, your determination, your drive, your team spirit is EXCELLENT, let’s keep it strong!!
Keep Putting in Your Maximum Efforts, and You’ll Get Your Maximum Results!!!


About Perry Beeches SSS swimming club

Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad

Train together, WIN together, Have FUN together

Perry Beeches SSS is an established swimming club based in North Birmingham in the West Midlands. The club can be split into the following main sections:

Learn to Swim

Beeches Babes – children from the age of 3 can learn to swim in safety, gaining confidence whilst they do so. Teachers are in the water with the children, to ensure they are happy and having FUN. They will gain badges and certificates through the National Teaching Plan for Swimming. Level 1/2 will be achieved in these classes.

Widths – children in the widths will learn how to swim all four stokes, whilst following the National Teaching Plan for Swimming. Levels 1 through to 5 will be achieved within these classes.

Beginners Lengths – Once all four strokes have been mastered, the swimmer will progress to the ‘deep end’. National Teaching Plan is followed, and level 6 will be achieved in these classes.

Junior Lengths – Progression from Beginners Lengths.

Competitive Swimming

Diddy Squad – These lengths classes are aimed at the DIDDY age children (8 – 12), who have progressed beyond Beginners Lengths. Stroke Technique will continue, and stamina be increased.

Seniors – Aimed at swimmers 12 and above.

Masters – Can train with the Seniors, or attend a Masters only session.

Open Water Swimming – Why not have a try?

Channel Swimmimg – Big Rik’s team – more to come!

Any queries regarding the above, please contact thank you.

Beeches Diddys were amazing in round 3 at Tamworth

Oh what a night! The Bold, the amazing, Beeches Diddy Team swam their hearts out for the club last night, winning their third round gala at Tamworth last night. With 16 wins, and 45 top three finishes overall, Katalina is hoping they have done enough to make the final in September. Beeches were first with 233 points, Blythe Barracudas B were second with 221 points, Tamworth third with 214 points and Stourbridge B were fourth with 196 points.

photo-8Winners on the night were: Sophia Deans (50 free), Daniel Kilminster (50 free), 9 years medley relay (Becky Gulliver, Catrice Hart, Trearna Hart and Rachel Beezer), 9 years medley relay Boys (Alfie Williams, Vinaye Gaddu, Harvey Higgins and Lewis Carless); 10/under medley relay (Becky Gulliver, Catrice Hart, Sophia Deans and Trearna Hart); 9 years Freestyle Relay Girls (Catrice Hart, Trearna Hart, Becky Gulliver and Rachel Beezer); 9 years Freestyle Relay Boys (Harvey Higgins, Vinaye Gaddu, Alfie Williams and Lewis Carless); 10/under Freestyle Relay (Becky Gulliver, Trearna Hart, Sophia Deans and Catrice Hart); 10/under Freestyle Relay (Vinaye Gaddu, Mohammed Ishmael, Lewis Carless and Daniel Kilminster); Becky Gulliver (9 years Butterfly); Harvey Higgins (9 years Butterfly); Jessica Deans (12/under Freestyle); The Girls Canon (Catrice Hart, Eleanor Elwell, Becky Gulliver, Trearna Hart, Sophia Deans, Lily Spencer, Cody Robns, Jessica Deans); Lewis Carless (9 years Freestyle); Sophia Deans (10/under Butterfly); Vinaye Gaddu (10/under Butterfly); Alfie Williams (9 years Backstroke); And the Final Canon (Catrice Hart, Harvey Higgins, Sophia Deans, Lewis Carless, Lily Spencer, Daniel Kilminster, Jessica Deans and Dylan Scruton).

All the and 15 personal best times too.

A big well done to all of the swimmers on the night, the screaming parents in the stands, and the volunteers on the night.

Results available in the members section on this site. If you do not yet have access to the members section, please use the Contact Us option on this website.

Congratulations to Sophia and Jessica Deans

Congratulations go to sisters Sophia and Jessica Deans, who swam in this weekend’s Ickle People Meet at Wolverhampton Central Baths.


They both came away with several personal best times, and Jessica also achieved two golds (50 Butterfly and 50 Freestyle) and a silver (100 Freestyle). Sophia gained a third place in the 50 Freestyle.

Link to the results in the members section of this website.