All posts by webmaster

ASA Club Conferences – bookings now open

Bookings now open for the  

ASA Club Conferences 2014!


Bookings are now open for the ASA Club Conferences 2014, the essential conference for anyone involved in the smooth running of clubs including volunteers, administrators and officials. 

Supported by guest speakers, the conferences offer a morning of business critical workshops for the running of aquatic clubs, covering topics of:





CLUB LEADERS (Developing a Marketing Strategy/PAYE and Employment Status)


Plus an additional opportunity for your young volunteers:


In the afternoon, delegates have the opportunity to attend a variety of club development workshops, including Funding Sources and Alternative Income Streams and Developing a Marketing and Social Media Strategy. Each conference will follow the same format and are open to any club from any region.

Based on valuable feedback from last year, we will now be hosting four club conferences to cater for clubs representatives from all across the UK, in an effort to make the events more accessible to all and bring these invaluable interactive discussions and workshops nearer to you.

Join us at one of our four locations listed below for your chance to talk to us and discuss how we can work together to drive the sport’s future development.

  • Saturday 21st June – St. John’s Campus, University of Worcester, Worcester
  • Sunday 22nd June – Holiday Inn, Leeds Bradford
  • Saturday 5th July – Holiday Inn, Cambridge
  • Sunday 6th July – Crown Plaza, Marlow

At a discounted price of just £25 per head (£15 for swim21 club members/£10 Young Volunteer Workshop participants), you will receive the latest CPD opportunities, training and knowledge delivered by industry experts.


It’s an excellent opportunity for two-way dialogue between staff and delegates and we are excited to give your club the chance to be actively involved in the formation of the long term strategy of the ASA.

Don’t miss out on this chance to feedback, engage with us, get involved and ensure that clubs remain at the very heart of the ASA.

New Video Based Analysis Based in Stratford

Our very own Katalina has another job outside of Beeches – at a company called Discipline of Three, based in Stratford upon Avon. For more information please see here.

The following is taken from their website:

Specialist Swim Coaching with Video Analysis

Swim Coaching and Video Analysis Whether you are a beginner looking to learn to swim freestyle/front crawl, a intermediate triathlete looking to cut those triathlon race swim times or an advanced swimmer who wants help ironing out those stroke imperfections, we are here to help.Our experienced swim coaches will video you swimming in the endless swimming pool in our purpose-built pool room in Stratford upon Avon. Using the latest video analysis software we can video you from a variety of angles allowing us to offer real-time instruction as well post swim analysis. Our coaches each have their own specialisms, including open water swim coaching, long-distance/endurance swimming, injury rehabilitation, and the Shaw method of swimming.

You will also be given a USB stick with recorded footage of your swimming lession, allowing you or your own swim-coach to further analyse the session.

Our swimming coaching, lessons and all other swim sessions take place at the Discipline of Three Specialist Training Facility in our private pool. Our facility is located at: 22 The Waterways, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 0AW.


Perry Beeches SC Masters Open Water Swim Team

Perry Beeches SC masters began their open water training in Swan Pool (West Bromwich ) last Sunday morning .

Perry beeches sc masters  open  water team

The team are getting open  water fit in readiness for a big summer of open water races , starting with the British Gas  swims in Loch Lomond , Windermere, Manchester and London. Then planed races in Coniston water and then on to races in Spain.


As well as   the A.S.A`s Midland and National  Open  Water races in Bosworth and Sheffield respectively.

Charlie Wheadon

If all goes well this year ,  the Beeches team then plan to take on the blue ribbon of open water swimming – the English Channel  in  2015

Stuart Fuller

(Charlie Wheadon, Ross Emery, Stuart Fuller, Claire Thorn, Paul Bates)

swan pool

Congrats to Hasna Hakim at the East Mids Disability Champs

Congratulations to Hasna Hakim who won a bundle of medals on Sunday 18th May the East Midlands Disability Swimming Championships.

Hasna competed in the following events:

50 Butterfly – Gold in the 15/16 age group (Bronze overall)

100 I.M. – Gold in the 15/16 age group (Silver overall)

100 Freestyle – Silver in the 15/16 age group (5th overall)

100 Breaststroke – Silver in the 15/16 age group (Bronze overall)

50 Freestyle – Gold in the 15/16 age group ( Silver overall).

A big well done to Hasna from everyone at PBSSS.

Results can be seen here.