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Swim England advice June 1st

‘We are moving forward in a positive way but a trip to the pool will be very different’

Swim England chief executive Jane Nickerson gives an update on the reopening guidance, articles in the national media and why a trip to the pool will be very different when lockdown is eased.

In two weeks’ time, we shall be releasing detailed guidance on the reopening of pools.

You may have seen articles in the media over the weekend which highlighted some of the recommendations that are likely to be in the report.

We make no excuse for talking to the national press. We want Swim England and all our aquatic disciplines to be at the forefront of the Government’s thinking as they plan for the next stage of easing the lockdown.

We revealed details to try and manage expectations of what is likely to happen if – and it still is an if – pools do reopen, as we hope they will, on 4 July.

At this time, we are bound by the Government on when we’ll be able to get back to the sports we all love.

One thing is clear – initially things aren’t going to be the same when pools do reopen.

We will have to adhere to social distancing guidelines in changing rooms, the poolside and the water itself as well of the rest of the building and be more mindful of our surroundings

Some pools may request that there are fewer non-swimming individuals dryside to help them comply with these guidelines.

Extremely comprehensive

Rest assured, though, children will continue to be welcomed into pools to learn to swim and enjoy the water safely.

Our aim is to ensure this guidance is extremely comprehensive and covers the wide range of pool users.

To achieve that goal, we have been consulting closely with Public Health England, Sport England, leisure operators, home country partners and a panel of representatives from clubs, swim schools, volunteers and other key stakeholders across the country.

I would like to reassure you this consultation has been wide-reaching and that’s another reason why it hasn’t been rushed out.

For clubs, the guidance will help to guide their decisions and support them to take an approach that meets their needs and is appropriate and safe for their circumstances.

It will also highlight to everyone who visits a facility, for whatever reason, the constraints and major financial challenges that operators now face.

A trip to the pool will be very different when the Government gives facilities the green light to reopen.

Thankfully, we are moving forward in a positive way and the guidance being released on Monday 15 June is another step closer to achieving our long-awaited return.

Stay safe.

Jane M Nickerson

Message from Mel Hart, Chairman

Message from our Chairman Mel Hart:
Hello everyone, as we are all aware the sad circumstances that we are living in today leaves us in a strange new world that has no swimming pools open and everyone is having to stay at home. These are certainly strange times and I know we have several parents who work in the NHS or one of the associated responsibilities that keep us safe and help us to live as normal a life as possible. We would want to say a huge thank you to you all. This Thursday at 8.00pm our 5 minute family fireworks and doorstep clapping will be for you. Thank you.
So, we are all having to stay at home. The bad news is that I now have no excuse for not doing the gardening! However, it seems to me, that everyone has moved on to one of the social networking platforms to keep in touch and I would like to say a huge thanks to Mandy and Helen for keeping the spirit of Perry Beeches SSS very much alive and everyday maintaining ‘dry water training’ and competitions! I even tried one of Helen’s quizzes last week but as all pictures looked like Shrek I gave up! I need a 1960’s quiz!!
Thanks to everyone for keeping in touch with the club. Let us believe that it will not be too long before the Juniors, Seniors and Masters swimmers of Perry Beeches SSS are back in the water, laughing, smiling, splashing and preparing for all those competitions that we will be taking part in once again. May you all enjoy both the water and the friendships that make our swimming club so very special.
Mel Hart, Chairman.


Big thanks to all of our members who took part in the #passthefin exercise this week. It was lots of fun to put together 🙂

Don’t forget members – we have the BEECHES Facebook group, and the BEECHES Whatsapp group if you would like to join in the FUN!

PBSSS All sessions and lessons cancelled

This morning, with a heavy heart, we have taken the very difficult decision to close Perry Beeches SSS Swimming Club. We will remain closed until such time as it’s safe for our swimmers, parents, coaches and volunteers to return to poolside.

The latest guidance from Swim England, which was published yesterday, is that they are “strongly advising clubs to consider cancelling or postponing activity – including events – until the end of May” . We feel it is sensible and prudent to follow this advice in order to best protect our swimmers, coaches and the wider community. Please stay safe everyone!!

We will be posting links to land training and other ideas to keep you fit – keep watching your emails, and the BEECHES facebook group 🙂