Beeches success at the Boldmere Water Carnival

What a great weekend for Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad at the Boldmere Water Carnival. It was a real scorcher both in and out of the water, with 42 Personal Best times out of 50 swims. This equates to a massive 84% of all swims – what a great result.


The 9 swimmers who took part were Dominic Blackwell, Jessica Deans, Dominique Gomez, Andrew Gulliver, Katie Gulliver, Jessica Jones, Jamie Keyte, Pia Tonks and Sancha Tonks.


Helen Pordage, who was there as Coach over the weekend said “If you had to ask me to name the ‘swimmers of the meet’ , I would have to say ………………. ALL of them. Every swimmer swam beyond themselves and contributed to a fantastic weekend for Beeches. Yes we had our ups and downs – but that’s Open Meets for you. Its tough and they all come through it. For me it shear magicĀ  – they kept achieving PB after PB.”


Full results available in the Members section.


For all results seeĀ

