In 2012 Big Ricks Swim Team got within half a mile of completing a double swim of the English channel, but due to extreme weather fog,rain,8 ft waves ,force 5 winds, strong sea swells (just a normal day in the channel really) , the swim was eventually stopped , our pilot Mr Freddy Mardle had let us swim on for 4 hrs through the bad weather hoping against hope it would clear enough for us to be able to finish but sadly the weather to get even worse as we approached Dover as darkness fell , so after swimming for more than 22 hours Fred had to stop the swim due to his growing concerns for not only for the safety of the swimmer in Water , but also for the safety of the 9 soles on board the Masterpiece boat , it was the correct decision off course , we loved Fred words after we finally arrived back in folkestone harbour at 2 am some 26 hours after we left.. ..Well Lads you did okay , you almost made it, i know you are down and disappointed now , but Ha that’s channel swimming for you…Everyday is different , Everyday brings a new challenge , if it was easy everyone would be doing it..!!, just be glad your safe and well and able to try again.!! .. every channel swimmer knows Captain Webb`s famous remarks about swimming the Channel….”” Nothing Great Is Easy,”” he can say that again..
…wish us luck…Ricks & PIps