British Long Distance swimming association Champion of Champions 15 June 2013

Perry Beeches Masters’  swimmer  shines at Champion of champions race

Last Saturday 15th june was the famous BDLSA Champion of Champions event down in Dover at the famous swimmers beech in the Harbour. For the uninitiated the champions race is considered the hardest Open Water event in Uk, Why because its consists of a 5mile swim, followed by a 3mile swim and the ending in a 1mile swim – just for good measure. In between each swim is a chance for the swimmers to wrap themselves up in as many layers as possible in the hope that they have enough time before the next swim to stop shaking and regain feeling back in their feet/fingers/lips etc, consume as many cups of tea/coffee/hot chocolate they can manage without spilling (due to the shakes) and eat as much food as they can lay their hands on. All in all it’s a very enjoyable day out…!!

This year Perry Beeches Master swimmer Paul Bates made the long trip from the midlands to join the 90 + entrants completing various combinations of the 3 swims, Paul`s plan was to hopefully swim the 5 & 3 &1 mile swims.

Paul Bates at the champion of champions event 2013

The 5 mile started at 9.30 am in 12.5 degree temperatures (felt colder )  ,the swim proved to be extra challenging as swimmers were forced to battle through some rough conditions as the winds picked up half way through the swim. Indeed there were many comments of “I just wasn’t moving..” at the end of the race. The high winds also had a detrimental effect on the course as one of the course markers came loose and started heading out to sea. However, we the swimmers had no idea of this turn of events and obediently carried on , as result of the planned 5 mile swim turned into almost 7 miles, taking paul almost 3hrs to complete …

Thankfully by the time of the 3 mile swim, the course had been re-adjusted to a  length .75 miles loops and was all the quicker for it. Paul taking and just over an hour to complete it…finally at 5.45 on the night after swimming all day the final mile was started..and thankfully completed …! Thank God.

And massive Congratulations to Beeches swimmer Paul Bates, who produced a suburb performance on the day to come in 3rd place in snr men`s event in a combined time of 4hrs 27 minutes for the 9.9 mile swim (yes we had to do almost an extra mile..) no mean feat against much younger swimmers  . Paul asked after the event said “The conditions were tough all day ,in the end  i was just pleased to have finished and survived, After the 1st section of the race I was all for giving up, i was frozen through plus had jelly stings to my legs and face ,but was  given morale boosting chats by many of the swimmers during the day which helped me carry on… and finish..!” 🙂