Category Archives: News

Nova Centurian Swim Camp for children aged 9 – 14

Nova Centurion would like to invite you to join them on their swim camp, being held on the 14th September 2014 at the John Carroll Leisure Centre, Nottingham.

Please click on the attachments below for Full Details (Swim Camp Flyer) and the Swim Camp Application Form.


If you have any questions or require any further details, please send an email to


The Camp will offer…

  • One and a half hour pool session with a GB Coach
  • A detailed look at how to develop your starts and turns
  • Watch yourself back on our video feedback system
  • An opportunity to meet, greet and ask questions to one of Nova’s international Swimmers

Nova-Camp-application-form Swim Camp

This is a great opportunity and we would love to see you there

Joe Stanford
Nova Centurion Swim Coach

Perry Beeches SSS AGM Wednesday 16/07 @ 19:00

Tomorrow night (Wednesday 16th July) sees the annual Perry Beeches SSS AGM. Starting at 19:00, the following people would like your support:

Committee Sub – Committee Nomination Proposer
Chair * Any / Athlete Development Keith Workforce
Vice Chair* Any  VACANT
Treasurer* Finance / Any Roy Smith Workforce
Secretary* Any Mandy Blizard Workforce
Welfare Officer ** Welfare Jo Stackhouse Workforce
Inclusion Officer ** Welfare Elaine Gale
Workforce Officer ** Workforce Elaine Gale Chair
Staff Development Officer ** Workforce Cat Hart Workforce
Membership Secretary ** Finance Helen Pordage Secretary
Grant and Funding Officer ** Finance Jo Spencer Workforce
Swim 21  ** Workforce Jenny Powell Workforce
Recruitment Officer ** Recruit and Retain Sarah Higgins Workforce
Communication Officer ** Recruit and Retain Mel Hart Workforce
Club Development Officer ** Finance Amajit Kang Workforce
Parent Swimmer Liaison ** Recruit and Retain Kal Gaddu
Assistant Welfare Officer

Assistant Treasurer



Karen Westwood

Mrs Nguyen



Swimming Secretary** Athlete development  VACANT

There is still time if you feel you could help in any way – please contact – you don’t necessarily have to fulfil a role – help always appreciated 🙂