Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad Masters and Big Ricks Open Water swimmer Paul Bates, has been chosen as The Warwickshire County Swimming Associations outstanding swimmer of 2014, Paul was presented with the prestigious B.H Hardridge Trophy At the recent Warwickshire County Swimming Championships held at Coventry’s international pool, The Hardridge trophy (now in its 50th yr.!) is given out to the most outstanding swimmer of the year in Warwickshire, (many past winners have been Olympic and Para Olympic swimmers including Eleanor Simmons )..Paul from Walsall is the first Open water swimmer to receive the honour.
Paul’s C.V of swims in 2013.Took him all over England,and to France and back.!, winning championship swims in both forms of the sport, from the warmth of a swimming pool, to the cold chilly waters found and in lakes, rivers, seas, some of the highlights of the year were being able to Swim and complete of the 2 of the Lake District`s most famous stretches of water Windermere (10.5 miles) and Coniston Water (5.5miles), another was to join 800 fellow swimmers taking part in one of the world’s best open water swims along the famous Henley rowing regatta starting at 4.30am and come 2nd! , as much as paul loves the competitive events, the two stand out swims of year were both charity swims, the first being the “2 Swim4life” 24 miles in 24 hrs event held in April at the outdoor 50m lido in Guildford in aid of Help For Heroes. And others were being part of the Pip’s successful record breaking double English Channel team in July. Raising over £10,000 for breakthrough breast cancer charity in process… in Paul own words, 2013 was the best year of his swimming life by a long way, I never thought I’d say that 45.!, I’ve been very lucky to be able to experience so many amazing swims, in such different and breath taking venues across the UK and abroad
Paul was awarded the trophy, to keep for one year, along with a special Warwickshire gold medal to keep…… along with £100.00 prize …Paul has donated the money awarded to the charities he and his friend supported whilst swimming 3 attempt`s of the English Channel ,The British Heart Foundation and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

(Paul is pictured on poolside at The Warwickshire County Swimming Championships collecting his award from The President of Warwickshire ASA Mr. John Hughes)