Perry Beeches SC is celebrating securing swim21 accreditation for a second time – the national benchmark of excellence from the ASA, the national governing body involved in every element of swimming.
The club has achieved the swim21 award for Swimming at Teaching and Masters level.

Swim21 accreditation is the ASA’s ‘Quality Mark’ for clubs and the ASA’s way of ensuring every athlete – whatever their age or level of experience – belongs to a club that provides the best possible support and environment.
Specifically it’s about putting the swimmers first and ensuring young athletes are following the pathway the ASA recognises for training and competition (via the principles of Long Term Athlete Development).
Jennifer Powell, Perry Beeches Swim 21 Coordinator, said: “Working towards Swim 21 has been a challenging and really useful exercise for the Club. It has encouraged us to look at and improve our policies and practices and to focus on giving our swimmers the best possible experience.”
David Sparkes, the ASA’s Chief Execuive, said: “There is a great deal of hard work involved in getting swim21 accreditation and it is a real credit to the club’s committee and staff that they have managed to achieve such high standards. They are leading by example and deserve many congratulations.”