Congratulations to Dan Earthquake Channel Swimmer

Many congratuations to Dan Earthquake on his swim on Tuesday 2nd July.

Dan swam with the CSA, and was their first solo success of 2013.  His heroic swim took 21 hours and 25 minutes, and he crawled up a sandy beach just outside the entrance to Calais Harbour!!


Dan helps numerous Channel aspirants, regardless of whether they are going to swim with the CSA or CS&PF.  He’s a real asset to the sport, and thoroughly deserves this success.

As with many of us, it’s a real family affair, as he’s had unerring support from his wife Tamsin, who herself gave back to the sport by serving on the Channel Swimming Association board until recently.

All of us that know Dan, are better for it, and will join us in congratulating him.

Congratulations to Dan Earthquake, from all at Beeches, for his Epic Channel swim on Tuesday 2nd July. Dan, who as well as his Open Water swimming (and SLCSC) also teaches swimming at Beeches pool.
