Club Captains for 2021

Due to Covid cancelling our disco, and most of the events this year, Helen has decided that Jake Dunn and Becky Gulliver can continue their captaincy for one more year! So club captains for 2021 are Becky Gulliver and Jake Dunn! Well done guys!

from last year:

Congratulations to Jake Dunn and Becky Gulliver, who were named as the Club Captains for 2020 at the Christmas Disco.

Voted for by Senior Swimmers (aged 12 and over), the club captains have the joy of going to the three rounds of the Junior League, to help Helen with the Diddies.

Well done guys!


Looking forwards to 2021

Times are still tough, and Christmas this year will definitely be a very different one. We are still saddened that our 18 and overs are not back in the water, and that not all of our width swimmers are back yet either. 2020 has been a very different year!

We are obviously upset that we are missing our Christmas Disco this year (should have been Sunday 20th) – but I understand that some of the seniors may have an online disco – if any of you manage to get any screenshots share them please!

Don’t forget the online raffle taking place on Saturday 19th – please email to ask for more details.

And thanks to Dave Marsh for the copyright use of his image on this picture 🙂

Here’s hoping that whatever you do, you have a peaceful and safe Christmas, and that 2021 will be a better year for all of us.


December’s Bonus Ball Winners!

Well done to the following people who are December’s Bonus Ball winners:

  • 1st – Lickorish
  • 2nd – Moore
  • 3rd – Garlick

Well done (and thank you) to all of you. By playing the Bonus Ball, you are helping the club to run and survive.

If you would like to play, it’s £4 a month, for one number in the drawer. Email for more information.

We hold a gambling license, so anyone can join the fun!!!

Train Together, Win Together, Have FUN Together