Beeches own Jenny Powell helps the Learn to Swim pathway

The Beeches Legend that is Jenny Powell. As you may or may not know, Jenny does some amazing work with the ASA in the West Midlands to encourage children to swim and help in their enjoyment of it whilst they achieve the required level of competence in the water. ) Great work Jenny! Here she is mixing it with the stars of British Swimming – Rob Small  is that you in the middle? :- )

Here’s the right up from the ASA, including Jenny’s great work in Walsall:-

More than 200 young swimmers were given the opportunity to meet and swim with four London 2012 Olympians on Saturday 22nd June at The Oak Park Leisure Centre in Walsall.

Gold medal winning Paralympian Josef Craig was joined by fellow Olympians Nick-Robinson Baker (diving), Rob Parker (Water Polo) and Amy Smith (Swimming) to kick off the first leg of the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA), Trunx Tour.

The ASA Trunx Tour will visit many pools across the UK along with the ASA’s water loving elephant mascot to celebrate the achievements of young children learning to swim on the ASA British Gas Learn to Swim Pathway.

The visit came just one month after the largest ever learn to swim survey released by the ASA revealing that 47% of children aged 7.11 in the West Midlands cannot swim 25 metres unaided.

ASA Chief Executive Officer David Sparkes said: “This initiative is about raising the awareness of the importance of children learning to swim and encouraging their efforts as they try and achieve the required level of competence and confidence in the water.

This initiative is about encouraging children’s efforts as they try and achieve the required level of competence in the water.

“Perhaps we may even inspire one or two of our future Olympic and Paralympic stars along the way.

“We also are delighted that Walsall Council has announced their commitment to the British Gas ASA Learn to Swim pathway. It is clear that the council believes that supporting children to learn to swim will help achieve a fitter, healthier and perhaps above all a safer generation of young people.”

As part of the Trunx Tour athletes and children took part in a fun-filled aquatic morning, trying out different pool activities such as Mini-Polo, Flip ‘n’ Fun, Swim skills as well as learning how to be safe in the water in a Rookie Lifesaving master class.

It was a fun way to introduce youngsters to learn to swim – I’d like to see the tour run in every town!

Josef Craig said: “The Trunx Tour in Walsall was a fun way to introduce youngsters to learn to swim. The day gave a huge insight into other disciplines within swimming. I’d like to see the tour being run in every town.”

The recent commitment by Walsall Council to implement the Swimming Governing Body’s learn to swim programme – the British Gas ASA Learn to Swim Pathway has seen 30 swimming teachers deliver the programme to nearly 2000 children in accross four local swimming pools.

Councillor Anthony Harris, portfolio holder for leisure and culture in Walsall Council coalition, said: “Swimming is not only a great way to keep fit but it is also a vital lifesaving skill and we want to encourage more children to take up the sport from as young an age as possible.

“It’s not every day you get to meet an Olympic gold medal winning star and I’m sure the children really learnt a lot from Josef and his colleagues about how hard work can really pay off and also why it is so important to learn to swim.

Launching the ASA learn to swim pathways across our leisure centres will give 1800 children a great framework to follow

“Launching the ASA learn to swim pathways across our four leisure centres will give the 1800 children enrolled in our swim school a great framework to follow in order to develop their aquatic skills, be safe and enjoy water based activities.”

“Hopefully this programme will also encourage more children to learn to swim and stay safe in the future.”


Here’s Jenny with Olympic Diver, Nick Robinson-Baker (on the right, not the elephant!).

It was a great day, where Amy Smith and Josef Craig were also on hand to meet the children there.  All good for swimming in Walsall too!

Congratulations to Dan Earthquake Channel Swimmer

Many congratuations to Dan Earthquake on his swim on Tuesday 2nd July.

Dan swam with the CSA, and was their first solo success of 2013.  His heroic swim took 21 hours and 25 minutes, and he crawled up a sandy beach just outside the entrance to Calais Harbour!!


Dan helps numerous Channel aspirants, regardless of whether they are going to swim with the CSA or CS&PF.  He’s a real asset to the sport, and thoroughly deserves this success.

As with many of us, it’s a real family affair, as he’s had unerring support from his wife Tamsin, who herself gave back to the sport by serving on the Channel Swimming Association board until recently.

All of us that know Dan, are better for it, and will join us in congratulating him.

Congratulations to Dan Earthquake, from all at Beeches, for his Epic Channel swim on Tuesday 2nd July. Dan, who as well as his Open Water swimming (and SLCSC) also teaches swimming at Beeches pool.



Big Ricks 2 way Channel swim for Breakthrough Breast Cancer

In 12 days time me and my channel team mates are once again trying to conquer a 2 way swim of the English Channel ..why..??

Many people have asked  me why we are doing a double swim of the English Channel again after last year’s attempted ended so very badly, Well this is why:-

By swimming we still think we can make a difference to peoples lives ,no matter how small that difference might be , swimming can help save lives, we are sure of it..

In 2013 ,We are swimming for  Philippa Thomas ( partner of channel team member  Richard Brownjohn ) Pip who was from Sutton Coldfield  lost her life after 2 yr battle to breast Cancer in October 2012., she was only 44..,her family have chosen we swim  Breakthrough Breast Cancer, a charity that is Dedicated to saving lives by finding the causes of breast cancer, improving detection, diagnosis, treatment and services …

I hope you can spare a little amount of money to Help us help them with amazing work

This is our latest Blog..hope you enjoy


if you feel you wish to donate to our channel swim for breakthrough breast cancer

then simply click or copy and paste the link below…thank you as always for your help and support..


Best Wishes & Thank You…

Paul Bates.

Pips channel teamBreakthrough

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Are you one of the millions of people that use a search engine every day? Switch your searching to easysearch and raise money!

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So the next time you need to find something online, please use and raise money for Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad with every search you make.

Beeches Masters Swimmer shines in the early hours at the Prestigious Henley Classic

Perry Beaches Swimmers Paul Bates , has once again travelled the country in search of the best open water  races in the UK  , 2 weeks ago it was the famous BLDSA  9 mile  Champion of Champions race in Dover ( he came 3rd ) this weekend it was perhaps the No one open water swim of the year ..!,  The blueseventy Henley Classic is a 2.1km swim over the Royal Henley Regatta course, The classic swim is a unique opportunity to swim one of the most famous and beautiful stretches of open water in the world, in fact the event is . Listed in the Top 100 swims in the world. The Henley Swim is without doubt amongst the most iconic challenges

Paul Bates Henley swim 2013   at 4 30 in the morning 30-6-13

So Paul left this home in the midlands around at 12 midnight to travel the 100 miles to Henley ,and yes we did say midnight .!!! , A key feature of the Henley event is that you arrive in darkness (check in was 2.30am) and the walk the ½ a mile to the start (that’s around 4am) as the sunrise appears, you and the 800 other swimmers most in wetsuits or some like Paul are just wearing costumes are led down the tow path by the torch carrier,then Once the safety briefing is completed you have to enter  the inky black water at 4.30 am and wait for the starters gun…Paul said the whole  begin of the event before you even is like no other swim I have ever done , its slightly surreal experience The torch-light walk to the start, the mist swirling above the river, the moon full and radiant, the sun just threatening to burst from behind the hill, gives the whole event the feeling of a pagan festival rather than a seriously tough physical test the walk down as the mist came of the surrounding fields ,really felt nervous and exciting at the same time….



The swim its self was hard as the 2.1k distance is held upstream , to make it just that little bit tougher , the swims are set of in waves from elite to fun swimmers , Paul was in the performance wave of 120 swimmers that set off at 4.32 am , 99% of them fast wet suited swimmers Paul was in his trunks , Paul words…the start was manic, arms and legs and swimmers swimming over and through , it was just a big splash for the1st 10 minutes, but after that it settled down , and it became easier to swim and race , also in was getting lighter the closer we got to Henley finish…!! The water temp was good at 17 degrees so did not feel cold at all…almost warm, when I finally finished..!!! I looked around to the beautiful view Henley …it was truly breathtaking at that time of the morning…


Paul has produced a great swim , placing him second in the Open traditional  Section on the Race, a great result for the 45 yr old , it also placed him in the top 50 swimmers overall out of 800..!! paul said . The Henley Swim is without doubt amongst the most iconic challenges i have ever done over the past 30yrs of swimming.

Paul Bates 2nd at Henley Classic 2013 Traditional cat

it was another amazing swim by the Perry beeches master, who next swim is only 11 days away, when he and his Pip`s Double Channel Team mates take on epic 2 way swim of the English channel in memory of Philippa Thomas from Sutton Coldfield’s who lost her 2 yr battle with Breast Cancer in October 2012…everyone at Perry Beeches wish Paul and lads in there epic swim for Breakthrough Breast Cancer in 11 days time..(If u wishes to support the team there just giving details are )

overall results henley Paul bates 50th out of 800



Event Summary Date: Sunday 30th June 2013 Location: Henley-on-Thames Distance: 2.1km river upstream Times: Sat Registrations 2 – 6pm Sunday Registrations 2.00am Safety briefing 4.10am Race start 4.30am Categories: Elite Open Traditional Masters 45-54 Masters 55+ Junior Sporting category — in Henley on Thames, United Kingdom.



Paul pictured with his idol – Graham Bell, 5 times Olympic Skier, who also swam at the Henley Classic.

Here is a YouTube clip of the event:

EASYFUNDRAISING – Raise Funds for Free!

Raise Funds For Free!

Did you know you don’t have to spend anything to start raising money for Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad? Some of our retailers will make FREE donations to just for switching to their service, participating in free trials or even simply registering on their site.

For example, netflix offer a £7.50 when you start a free trial while The National Lottery will donate £1.50 just for registering on their site and playing Lotto online for the first time! You can raise £4.50 by registering and making your first bid on ebay and LOVEFiLM offer a £5 donation when you sign up for a 14 day free trial of their dvd rental service.

You can raise over £200 without spending anything – visit and click on the FREE Donations page for more details.

Train Together, Win Together, Have FUN Together