Big Ricks Latest Update – 2 way channel swim – 10/05

The Re-Match is on..!
The Challenge –  A 2 Way Swim Of The English Channel.
The Date – 14th July to 19th July 2013
The Charity Breast Cancer Awareness 

We crashed and burned only half a mile from finishing the double in 2012..

The Question is, can we put that right and make it 2013..????…

YOU BET WE CAN……………….!

Link to Ricks Blog below

Pips channel team

Read why we decided after lasts years horror swim, to try once again to join of only a handful of teams ever to attempt

And complete a 2 way swim of the English Channel…  

..(Simply click the link, or copy and paste it into your address bar)

We still hear the Words of our Pilot Fred  after we finally arrived back in Folkestone harbour  around 4 am some 26 hours after we left.. ..Well Lads you did okay, you almost made it, i know you are down and disappointed now, but that’s channel swimming for you…Every day is different..!! , Every day brings a new challenge!

If it was easy everyone would be doing it…! just be glad your safe and well and able to try again.!! 


And Try Again we are…



Best wishes.

Paul and Pips Channel Team

How close are you to an MDQT?

How close are your personal best times to an MDQT (midland district qualifying time)?

Please click here to see how close you are:-


If you want any more information please speak to your coach at your next session, or speak to Dave Marsh, Head Coach.

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