Perry Beeches SSS AGM Wednesday 16/07 @ 19:00

Tomorrow night (Wednesday 16th July) sees the annual Perry Beeches SSS AGM. Starting at 19:00, the following people would like your support:

Committee Sub – Committee Nomination Proposer
Chair * Any / Athlete Development Keith Workforce
Vice Chair* Any  VACANT
Treasurer* Finance / Any Roy Smith Workforce
Secretary* Any Mandy Blizard Workforce
Welfare Officer ** Welfare Jo Stackhouse Workforce
Inclusion Officer ** Welfare Elaine Gale
Workforce Officer ** Workforce Elaine Gale Chair
Staff Development Officer ** Workforce Cat Hart Workforce
Membership Secretary ** Finance Helen Pordage Secretary
Grant and Funding Officer ** Finance Jo Spencer Workforce
Swim 21  ** Workforce Jenny Powell Workforce
Recruitment Officer ** Recruit and Retain Sarah Higgins Workforce
Communication Officer ** Recruit and Retain Mel Hart Workforce
Club Development Officer ** Finance Amajit Kang Workforce
Parent Swimmer Liaison ** Recruit and Retain Kal Gaddu
Assistant Welfare Officer

Assistant Treasurer



Karen Westwood

Mrs Nguyen



Swimming Secretary** Athlete development  VACANT

There is still time if you feel you could help in any way – please contact – you don’t necessarily have to fulfil a role – help always appreciated 🙂