Please help to stop the closure of Coventry’s 50 meter pool

Coventry’s iconic 50 meter pool is at risk of closure – please read the note below from Adam Ruckwood, Head Coach at Coventry:
Some of you may have heard the news that the council are proposing the close the 50m pool here in Coventry and replace it with a water-park.  We are campaigning to try and encourage/force the council to revise their plans and replace it with a new 50m pool.  We would really appreciate your help in this!
If you could go to the link below and sign the e-petition we would be very grateful.  We also ask that you encourage your club members to do the same – this could potentially secure thousands of signatures and add weight to the campaign.
Many thanks!
Adam Ruckwood
Head Coach
City of Coventry Swimming Club
Office – 02476 252579
Mobile – 07887 772970
Website –