Well Done To The Diddys from Katalina

Fantastic Diddy Swimmers!!!

Saturday was an incredible day which saw our Diddy Swimmers come Second in Round 2 of competition!!!- Excellent!!

There was such a buzz in the air, especially on the very last relay cannon which was very intense!

Well done to every single swimmer who took part, excellent team work and super efforts in every single individual race too… particularly to Dylan Scruton and Harvey Kang who swam their races with goggles around their mouths! Very commendable efforts, you kept your focus and didn’t stop trying until the end. A true example, well done guys!

It was all in all a great successful evening

Now, to prepare for Round 3!- With seven weeks ahead of us it is enough time to keep motivation high and sessions focused

As always, keep putting in maximum effort, you’ll keep getting maximum results!!

Let’s Be the Best Swimmers that You Can Be!


Results available in the Members Section.