Woodlands Activity Day Report

This weekend saw the swimmers of Beeches enjoying there Saturday at Woodlands activity centre.


The day involved: first the zip wire which saw everyone whizzing down even those who had to conquer there fear of heights to do it. A big well done to our youngest participant, Joel Harris, who fearlessly climbed to the top and launched straight down the wire laughing. Secondly a very very muddy assault cause, of which no item of white clothing was safe. Sorry parents, nothing came out its original colour! Especially Ashleigh Stackhouse’s shoe’s, which couldn’t have been muddier!  However that particular fall caused a lot of hysterical laughter for the rest of the group.

After a brief lunch stop we headed over to learn about archery.  I think it is safe to say we have some talented children, with many hitting the bull’s-eye, several times over the course of the event including Joseph Gale, Oliver Bates, Libby Jones, Abbie and Emma Fuller. Finally, saving the best for last, the group ventured out on to the lake in a mix of canoes and kayaks.  By the end of the session everyone had fallen in, jumped in voluntarily or both.  The most spectacular fall had to be, Grace, Ashleigh, Sophie and Lucy who had spent their time on the lake trying to push each other in, at the cost of both boats capsizing at the same time, so I don’t think anyone won that particular battle.


Overall the day was a complete success. Everyone had loads of fun, from laughing at someone falling in mud, to splashing the instructors on the lake. I want to say thank you to everyone who came and made the most of the day.


Also to the parents who joined in and bought your kids to the event. Big thanks to Elaine Gale for organising the whole day, and for putting many stressful hours into it. Finally we all owe a big thanks to the instructors who looked after us all day, and put up with our craziness.


If anyone from the day wants photos please contact either: Elaine or Lucy Gale.



Report by Lucy Gale.