Katalina has been preparing reports on all of the Junior and Diddy children in her classes over the last few weeks, and the results are now in. She has looked at their timed swims from within the sessions – comparing them to gala swims where appropriate, and also looked at different aspects of their technique. Spreadsheets are available in the members section – if you need a login for the members section, please use the contact us option to let us know. Cheers!
All posts by webmaster
Warwicks Week 2 2014
Saturday 8th March saw the second week of this year’s Warwickshire County Championships at Coventry’s 50 meter pool.
Firstly we had the swimming, and Dan Smith added another silver medal to his collection, this time for the 50 Breaststroke.
The Open Men’s medley relay team had a little bit of a twist this week, with Tom Reader stepping up to do his first 50 Long course butterfly in 11 years. Jamie Keyte on backstroke, Dan Smith on Breaststroke, Tom Reader on the butterfly and Dom Blackwell on the free, the lads came fourth, but enjoyed every minute of it!
Then the presentations – Hasna Hakim accepted the award she had been given late last year, and Paul Bates was crowned Warwickshire Swimmer of the year 2014 – well done to both of them.
Deaf Friendly Swimming
The IOS have launched a new on line CPD entitled ‘Deaf Friendly Swimming’. It is available FREE of charge via the on line learning section of the IOS website.
Please click on the following link directly to the CPD: http://www.theiosonline.com/Courses.aspx?itemid=26374&itemTitle=***NEW***+Deaf+Friendly+Swimming&sitesectionid=43&sitesectiontitle=Qualifications
Jenny Powell
Would you like to become a swimming teacher?
Are you interested in training to become a Swimming Teacher? There is an ASA Level 1 Teaching Aquatics course running at Beeches Pool and Alexander Stadium on 4/5/6/7/8th August 2014.
The cost is £395 but there is 50% funding available from West Midland Swimming. Please contact club Workforce Officer Jennifer Powell (Jennifer.powell@swimming.org) for more details.
Minimum age is 16.
Birmingham L1TA 04 08 14 Alexander Stadium and Beeches
For more details and to book a place please click on the following link: http://www.theiosonline.com/Courses.aspx?itemid=26408&itemtitle=ASA%20Level%201%20Award%20in%20Teaching%20Aquatics%20%28QCF%29&sitesectionid=43&sitesectiontitle=Qualifications&destination=Courses.aspx%3fsitesectionid%3d43%26sitesectiontitle%3dAll%2bTraining%26location%3dPostcode%26type%3d0001300000010001%26role%3d%26level%3d0001300000030001%26region%3d0001300500030005%26fromDate%3d%26toDate%3d&cType=&itemType=course
Jennifer Powell Aquatic Officer – Central Division Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire & Birmingham
CSW Sport, c/o University of Warwick, Westwood Campus, Coventry, CV4 7AL |
Warwicks Week 1 2014
Warwicks week 1 – A big hearty well done to Dan Smith who finalled 3 times on the day, and won two silver medals, for the 100 breast and 50 free.
Also – we have to mention the bravery of our young boy swimmers in the 9/10 50 medley relay.
Alfie Williams, Vinaye Gaddu, Harvey Higgins and Dilshan Bamanuvitharana swam for the first time in their life in Coventry’s 50 meter pool – and enjoyed the experience.
Well done to all swimmers on the day, and good luck to all swimmers taking part next Saturday in week 2.
Senior Swimmers – split timings now available
Tom Readers splits from the senior sessions in February are now available in the members section of the website.
If you need a members logon, please use the contact us option – thank you.