All posts by webmaster

No normal lengths lessons on Sunday 8th December

Due to the Annual Christmas Sprints Gala, there will be no normal lengths lessons on that day.

Widths lessons (including Babes and Tiddlers) will carry on as normal.

Confirmed entries for the Christmas Gala are as follows:

Ravaell Bailey
Dilshan Bamanuvitharana
Oliver Bates
Dominic Blackwell
Sophie Blackwell
James Bodenham
Marcus Boyle
Maisey Brennan
Charlie Brookes
Des Burley
Lewis Carless
Mason Carless
Daniel Charles
Charlotte Coley
Daniel Cox
Vicky Cox
Raenne Davidson
Jessica Deans
Sophia Deans
Reiss Deol
Rominique Deol
Shantay Douglas
Eleanor Elwell
Josee Emery
Ross Emery
Ben Feltell
Alison Fisher
Abbey Fuller
Emma Fuller
Stuart Fuller
Danya Gaddu
Sareena Gaddu
Vinaye Gaddu
Lucy Gale
Esha Gogna
Ria Gogna
David Gomez
Andrew Gulliver
Becky Gulliver
Katie Gulliver
Hasna Hakim
Catrise Hart
Ellison Hart
Trearna Hart
Brooke Henry
Levi Henry
Carys Higgins
Harvey Higgins
Sanduni Hikkaduwa
Kate Horton
Mohammed Ishmael
Jessica Jones
Libby Jones
Jamie Keyte
Lucy Keyte
Narinder Khella
Ranjit Khella
Sukhvir Khella
Talvinder Khella
Daniel Kilminster
Hannah Kilminster
Emma Kite
Olegs Kuznecovs
Dylan Langston
Elliot Langston
Hannah Lawrence
Kamilla Lawrence
Meth Mahavithana
Neth Mahavithana
Kyle Markey
Sky Markey
Jackson Masih
Angelika McDonald
Grace Morgan
Jaime Nugent
Luis Obaseki
Jovan Owusu-Nepaul
Davina Patel
Dillon Patel
Viraj Patel
Alex Pentland
Taylor Preece
Daniel Puttergill
George Quartermain
Tom Reader
Cody Robins
Jack Robins
Baldeep Sagoo
Paranpreet Sagoo
Harmeet Sandhu
Emma Sarling
Amelia Selvey
Keira Shepherd
Danielle Siviter
Daniel Smith
Lily Spencer
Alex Sokolov
Denis Sokolov
Lily Spencer
Claire Thorn
Pia Tonks
Sancha Tonks
Alfie Williams
Harry York
Marvels Zonzekat-Nkonge




Congratulations to Keira and Hasna at the National Disability Championships

Congratulations must go to both Keira Shepherd and Hasna Hakim, who swam at the weekend at the National Open Short Course Disability Swimming Championships at Sheffield.

Hassie & Keira

For Hasna, she swam well considering she is still battling with an injured shoulder.

For Keira at her first major championships since her classification as an S8, she swam exceptionally well, winning two golds and one silver, with personal bests in her two individual events.


Keira said ‘Not a bad weekend at the Nationals! Two golds, one silver( I don’t mind coming second to a Paralympic swimmer Stephanie Slater!), and two official PB’s! Well done to Steph and all the swimmers there! We had one heck of a relay team Tully,  Fran and Megan! We did good girls!! … It’s easy to comment on a good competition but there’s a lot of hard training behind the scenes, if it wasn’t for some amazingly supportive friends, boyfriend and family I probably wouldn’t have got those PB’s!


A big well done to both girls for their swims in Sheffield.

Results can be seen here:

Please submit your entries for the Christmas Gala by Sunday 24/11

Sunday 8th December will see this year’s Christmas Gala at Beeches Pool.

Start time approximately 14:00 – to be confirmed.

Separate entry forms for each age group this year – please see below.

Open to all swimmer 6+ who must be able to swim a length – please check with your teacher if you are not sure. Ages as at 31st December 2013 (how old the swimmer will be on that day). Please note if your child has not been timed before just put ‘no times’ on the form – thank you.

Ages 6/7: Christmas Gala 6and7 2013

Aged 8: Christmas Gala 8 2013

Aged 9: Christmas Gala 9 2013

Aged 10 and over: Christmas Gala 10 2013


Please either email your entries to or hand in at your next session. Any queries please talk to your Teacher / Coach.

A full list of entrants will be published on the website and noticeboards a week before the gala.

All entries to be submitted by no later than Sunday 24/11/13.


Beeches Bold brave it at Boldmere Open

A big congratulations to the swimmers who took part in the Boldmere Open meet at the weekend. Andrew Gulliver, Jamie Keyte, Katie Gulliver, Jessica Jones, Dominique Gomez, Jessica Deans and Sophia Deans all swam, and seemed to enjoy themselves whilst there!


Medals went to Andrew Gulliver (Silver 50 fly, Bronze 50 Free), Jamie Keyte (Bronze 50 Fly, Bronze 50 Breast, Gold 100 Free), Katie Gulliver (Silver 50 Breast), Jessica Jones (Silver 50 Fly), Dominique Gomez (Silver 50 Fly). Jessica and Sophia Deans were both among the youngest swimmers in their respective age groups, but swam well in their events.

boldmere2Sophia Deans is now our fastest 9 year old recorded 200 meter freestyle swimmer – the first time she has entered that event in a competition.

Well done to all the swimmers who took part in this meet, and represented the club, whilst having FUN together!

Results available here:


Arena League Round 2 – Rugby

The Gala on Saturday 9th November at Rugby proved to be an eventful evening. With 25 personal best times, and 12 unofficial times swimmers spirits were high. Although Perry Beeches came a rather unimpressive last it must be said, that as a club we had very few swimmers and were forced to pull out of races. Had we swam in each of these races even if we had come last in all 11 of them, we would have beaten Solihull and would have come 6th our best performance of the season so far.


Big congratulations must go out to Dominic Blackwell for his PB smashing win, in his 15/u 100m freestyle, with a time of 58.17. Our other winner was Katie Gulliver who won her open ladies 100m freestyle by just an arm-length in a time of 1:05.09, it was a tough race but a well deserved win and PB. A huge  well done must go out to all the swimmers, who were buzzing as a team this is the best we have performed both in terms of being united and swimming.

Finally a huge thanks must be said to all our volunteers. Including: Head coach Dave Marsh, team manager, Mandy Blizard, Judge Lucy Gale, Time keepers, Cher Jones and Mark Blackwell and our chaperones, Michelle Robbins and Karen Westwood.A special thanks to Kal Gaddu and Tracy Blackwell who were volunteered on the night to do splits. We’re very grateful to all who swam and helped out. We hope to see you again.


Report by Lucy Gale