All posts by webmaster

Coronavirus guidance

In light of the recent advice from the Government, please can you all ensure that you follow the following advice from Swim England:

“At present the Government has not closed schools or restricted school activity and therefore we do not see any reason why clubs should not continue with their training programs in their own environment within the guidelines of the facility”.  The full article can be found here:

We are following the advice from both Swim England and the facilities that we use. As of today, Pheasey Park Farm Primary School has closed their doors to external visitors (people like us), so Pheasey will not operate until further notice.

We took the decision at the weekend to cancel the Babes session due to the close nature of Teacher to swimmer in the water.

Other changes:

Please can you all practice ‘social distancing’ where possible – if watching your children swim from poolside or the balcony. Wherever possible one adult only to bring the swimmer(s) to the pool.

If either you or your child feel unwell please do NOT come swimming.

Please make sure that all swimmers shower before attending their lesson or session, and also after their lesson or session.

Please can swimmers avoid congregating in groups both before and after their swims. If they can change in a cubicle, or 2 meters away from each other this will be good.

Please encourage good hygiene to all swimmers – washing hands, keeping their hats, goggles, towels, costumes and kit clean will all help.

Parents – please encourage your child/children to do all of the above.

Currently, we feel that keeping open, whilst the pools are still open, will have a positive mental influence on the swimmers.

The advice from Beeches pool currently is as follows:

Staying Active

  • We recommend continuing with your exercise routine as this is shown to boost your immune system by up to 20%
  • If you currently do cardio workouts for over an hour we do recommend you reduce the length of time which will allow your immune system to stay at optimum levels
  • If your centre has a pool, the chlorinated water while swimming will give protection against the Coronavirus, as indicated by the Pool Water Advisory Group. This makes swimming one of the safer activities to engage in during this time



Swim England advice and guidance regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Swim England has issued the following advice regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The health and wellbeing of anyone who takes part in any aquatic activity is of paramount importance to everyone at Swim England.

Swim England is currently following the latest guidance from the Government and Public Health England and is advising its members, clubs, learn to swim providers and volunteers to do the same.

However, the national governing body will be following the latest information and assessing risk as appropriate. Specific guidance regarding forthcoming Swim England events will be issued as necessary to those who are due to attend.

Due to the ongoing spread of novel coronavirus, there have been a number of calls to Swim England about whether it is safe to still go swimming.

The Pool Water Treatment and Advisory Group (PWTAG) has been in contact with Public Health England regarding novel coronavirus.

A spokesperson for PWTAG said: “Public health opinion is that it is generally safe to go swimming at this time.

“Water and the chlorine within swimming pools will help to kill the virus.

“However, visitors to swimming pools are reminded to shower before using the pool, to shower on leaving the pool and to follow the necessary hygiene precautions when visiting public places to help reduce the risk of infection.”

Most importantly, if you feel unwell, please avoid using the pool.

This announcement is not intended to panic anyone and Swim England is sharing the above information to ensure all possible precautions are taken.

If you do not pay your fees by Go Cardless Direct Debits

If you do not pay your fees by Go Cardless Direct Debits – please consider doing so as it’s easier for both you and the club 🙂

For this of you still using the old standing orders please do the following:

ALL of your membership monies must have been paid by now, as the Swim England renewals were completed on Friday.

If you have not paid your membership you will no longer be able to swim 🙁

Please also check your monthly fees, as all club fees rose by £2 in January due to increased pool hire fees.

Many thanks for your help with this. If you need any help please contact us – thank you.

Swim England COVID-19 coronavirus

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance
The welfare of all our athletes, coaches, workforce and volunteers is of paramount importance.

This communication is designed to inform, rather than alarm, and contains relevant links to the most up-to-date guidance from the Government and Public Health England regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

  • The Government has issued advice around travel to and from certain areas as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation develops. Please read the latest advice here. This is updated regularly.
  • We’d like to take this opportunity to remind all clubs running events, training sessions or trips abroad that they must inform participants, coaches, volunteers and spectators of the hygiene precautions to help reduce the spread of infection. For the latest infection control advice, please click here.
  • It is our expectation that Swim England members will comply with the latest Government and NHS guidance. This can be found on the Public Health England website. If you feel unwell, please call NHS 111 for advice.
  • Swim England will be continuing to plan for our events as normal but we will be following Government guidance and assessing risk as appropriate. We will be issuing specific guidance regarding forthcoming Swim England events as necessary to those due to attend.
  • We would advise clubs to also carry out appropriate risk assessments and comply with all Government advice when planning any future activities.

Many thanks for your cooperation.Swim England

Good Luck to the Juniors at the JIM

Good luck today to the Beeches Juniors going to Boldmere’s JIM (Junior Invitation Meet) at Ladywood’s leisure centre.

Hopefully they will enjoy the experience, and it will encourage them to want to compete more 🙂

For live results from this meet please click here.