Category Archives: News

Swim Britain 2014

Big shout out to all of the Beeches swimmers who took part in this year’s SwimBritain (at Coventry and London). They all had FUN with their friends and family. Swim Britain is an annual British Gas / ASA event that anyone can enter – hopefully the pictures show how much they all enjoyed the day!

SwimBritainLondon SwimBritainLondonLadies SwimBritainFullers cv6 cv5 cv4 cv3 sbcv2 swimbritain2014Cov1

Farewell To Katalina

farewellBeeches will be saying goodbye and thank you to Katalina our Junior Coach on Monady 22nd September at 7:15pm.  Firstly the children will have a chance to talk to Katalina at a poolside presentation after which she will meet with parents, friends and colleagues in in the reception of Beeches Pool.

Beeches Rule at the Coventry Sprints 2014

Big well done to all of the Beeches swimmers at yesterday’s Coventry Sprints Open Meet. From the youngest 9’s – Catrise Hart (first in the 200IM final), Trearna Hart (third in the final), Becky Gulliver (made final but too poorly to swim), Vinaye Gaddu, Lewis Carless (third in the final), Harvey Higgins (made the final), Ellison Hart (made the final). Sophia Deans, who swam as a 10 in one of the larger categories. Daniel Job, who swam really well in his first Open Meet, achieving personal best times in every race that he swam. Jessica Deans – made the final. Maisy Brennan, Danya Gaddu (made the final). Daniel Cox, who achieved personal best times in every race that he swam. Jessica Jones, Grace Morgan, Sareena Gaddu (who made the final), Katie Gulliver (who made the final). Then last but not least, Dom Blackwell, Jamie Keyte, Andrew Gulliver and ’95 year old Tom’  Reader – well done to all who took part on the day.


Sign up to Raise Money for PBSSS

Did you know you don?t have to spend anything to start raising money for Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad? Some retailers will make FREE donations if you register with their website, sign up to their mailing list or participate in a free trial. You can raise funds for Perry Beeches Sutton Swim Squad without spending anything! Simply visit and click on the Free Donations page for more details.

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