Category Archives: News

Perry – The Mascot for next year’s Commonwealth Games :-)

We at Perry Beeches Swimming Club are loving PERRY, the newly announced Mascot for next year’s Commonwealth Games, which will be held in our very own Birmingham.

We are PROUD to share his name 🙂 – This is very often what gets announced as our Team name if we are away at an open meet!

If any of you would like to take your photo with Perry, then here are some online instructions as to how to do that:


How to #PoseWithPerry using innovative augmented reality technology on a mobile phone.

  1. Head to to launch the #PoseWithPerry application. Perry will appear in front of you on screen, where you can adjust his size and then pose for a photo or a video. You can take a screen grab and share your #PoseWithPerry efforts on social media. Don’t forget to tag @birminghamcg22
  2. #PoseWithPerry works with most modern smartphones.
  3. A #PoseWithPerry Instagram and Facebook filter is also available, allowing users to share #PoseWithPerry photos with the mascot to your own timeline.

Perry: Official Mascot of Birmingham 2022 | Birmingham 2022

Lands End to John O’groats challenge

We are please to announce that all of our steppers made it from Lands End to John O’groats 🙂 Winner for this challenge was Andrea Deathridge, followed by Dave Holder in second place, and then Olli Roche Taylor in third.

Big thanks to all who took part in our virtual walk up the country!

Happy Mothers Day to All of our Swim Mums

Wishing our Swim Mums a very Happy Mothering Sunday. The only good thing with this year is at least you are not running around taking your children swimming to wherever that may be.

Please relax and enjoy the day. Big thanks from all of the swim children out there 🙂


Virtual Balloon Race – £3 a Balloon – Top prize £30

Would anyone be interested in taking part in the “Perry Beeches Virtual Balloon Race”

A virtual race works in the same way as a helium balloon race, but they fly around their own webpage rather than in the atmosphere.

The race will take place from 11 – 18 April 2021. You can track the balloons with your friends and family over the week as they virtually fly and see who wins,!

Simply donate just £3 for a virtual balloon by clicking the “Buy a Balloon” button, personalise it and enter it into the race!

There are prizes for the balloons that finish in first, second and third place!
1st Place: £30 Love to Shop voucher
2nd Place: £20 Love to Shop Voucher
3rd Place: £10 Love to Shop Voucher.

All proceeds wi ll go to the club. Funds are even more vital to the club during such challenging times, and every penny really does count!

We are always grateful for your support, especially during times like these.

Good luck and Happy Racing! Please share with your friends and family – the more the merrier!