Congratulations to Jake Dunn and Becky Gulliver, who were named as the Club Captains for 2020 at the Christmas Disco.
Voted for by Senior Swimmers (aged 12 and over), the club captains have the joy of going to the three rounds of the Junior League, to help Helen with the Diddies.
We have had confirmation that the 2020 Warwickshire County championships will be held at the OLD Coventry pool, as the new pool will not be ready in time.
A big thank you to everyone who helped to make Saturday’s Christmas gala possible 🙂
Particular thanks to those who came along to help, without swimmers there of their own – Cher, one of our Chief Timekeepers, and Liz who helped with computer input. Also to Tony Ward, one of the referees on the day.
Special thanks to Helen who has gone through all of the results from Saturday, checked them against the referees slips, and input the results onto Swimclubmanager.
Big well done to all of the swimmers who took part – hopefully you all enjoyed the experience 🙂
Please find below information and qualifying times for the 2020 Warwickshire Championships. To compete you need to have achieved the qualifying time for your age group between 01/03/2019 and 31/12/2019.
The 2020 Warwickshire ASA Swimming Championships (50m), will take place on 25/26 January & 8/9 February.
Venue (tbc) will be at Coventry Sports & Leisure Centre – Fairfax Street – CV1 5RY; or Alan Higgs Centre – Allard Way – CV3 1HW.