Message from Katalina for the Diddys

FANTASTIC RESULTS Diddy Swimmers!!- Very very pleased to see that we finished third overall in Round 1 of the Diddy Gala, excellent!
I have been checking out the results, and it’s  awesome to see how many Improved Times we have compared to the Friendly Diddy Gala back in February! – 9 Relay Better times; with 10 seconds knocked off some of the relay races!!- Very very good. AND, 15 individual better times!!- That’s a grand impressive total of 24 IMPROVED swimming times!- Great great work Diddy Swimmers!
Our next Gala is on May 10th! – Swim powerfully, train with focus, & ENJOY IT!!
I’m aiming to get back to work on either Weds 30th April or Fri 2nd May.
Upon return will mean that we’re going to be giving it the BEST WE CAN to ensure we’re even more up to scratch for Round 2, and then we’ll be really really be stepping it up a few gears for our final stage of the competition on June 28th!!
Once again, very very big well done
Keep putting in your Maximum Effort, and you’ll keep getting your Maximum Results!!


Congratulations to the Diddys – Round 1- Chase 05/04/14

This years first round gala of the Nuneaton and District Junior League (affectionately known as the Diddies) went swimmingly at Chase on Saturday night.

Beeches finished third overall on the night, with 13 personal best times, and showed an amazing team spirit throughout.

Special mentions go to the winners on the night:

The Boys 9 years medley relay team (Alfie Williams, Vinaye Gaddu, Harvey Higgins and Lewis Carless); Jessica Deans (12/under 50 Butterfly); The Girls 8*1 Cannon (Catrice Hart, Becky Gulliver, Trearna Hart, Sophia Deans, Hannah Lawrence, Lily Spencer, Cody Robins and Jessica Deans); Daniel Kilminster (Boy’s 10/under 50 Back); Catrice Hart (Girls 9 25 Free); Trearna Hart (Girls 9 25 Back); and the Final race of the night, the mixed Canon (Becky Gulliver, Vinaye Gaddu, Sophia deans, Lewis Carless, Lily Spencer, Daniel Kilminster, Jessica Deans and Dylan Scruton).

Also the the following ‘silvers’:

Emma Sarling (50 Free); Becky Gulliver (25 Breast); Vinaye Gaddu (25 Breast); Girls 11/under medley relay (Lily Spencer, Hannah Lawrence, Sophia Deans, Raeanne Davidson); Sophia Deans (50 Breast); Girls 10/under Medley Relay (Emma Sarling, Eleanor Elwell, Sophia Deans, Raeanne Davidson); Becky Gulliver (25 Butterfly); Harvey Higgins (25 Butterfly); Jessica Deans (50 Free); Girls 12/under Free Relay (Jessica Deans, Vicky Cox, Sophie Blackwell, Cody Robins); Alfie Williams (25 Back); Girls 12/under Medley Relay (Sophi Blackwell, Cody Robins, Vicky Cox, Jessica Deans).

Other top three finishers on the night were Lily Spencer (50 Back and 50 Butterfly); Cody Robins (50 Back); Lewis Carless (25 Free).

A massive well done to ALL of the team – your support for each other on the night was outstanding. Here’s to the next round.

Results (and splits) available in the members section on this site.

Beeches Masterful performance at the Midland Masters

Last weekend   Perry Beeches SSS Masters took a team of 8   to Royal Leamington Spa to take on the best masters swimmers from around the midlands and England at the annual ASA Midlands Masters championships. The team of Jennifer Powell, Rebecca Smith, Angelika McDonald, Tara Leigh Thornton, Steve Dunn, Stuart Fuller, Ross Emery and Paul Bates, once again produced some great individual and team performances. From only 18 events that the Beeches swimmers entered they produced:
2 gold, 7 silver, 4 bronzes, plus 33 top 10 finishes from only 18 events, and 3 top 6 places in 3 relay team events entered.
The hard work the Beeches masters team have been putting in since the turn of the year with Masters coach Helen Pordage and Senior Coach Thomas Reader are really starting to show results. The future looks promising for the team’s forthcoming events. Upcoming events include the ASA Yorkshire Masters in May and ASA British Masters Long Course championships in Cardiff in June.
Anyone wishing to come and try masters swimming, can either pop along on Sunday afternoon at 3pm to Perry beeches pool for the masters session (everyone is welcome) or simply call Mandy Blizard on 07793 560698 for more details
beeches midlands team 2014       ladies beeches sc
The Picture above is sadly missing big Steve Dunn, who was nowhere to be found when the picture was being taken. We think he was shinning all his medals!

2014 Midland Open Masters Championships.


Congratulations Katie on your MDQT

Congratulations to Katie Gulliver who achieved her first Midland District Qualifying Time at the Nuneaton Open Meet over the weekend. Katie achieved this in the 50 Butterfly, achieving a 0.8 second personal best time in doing so.

At the Nuneaton Open Meet, you are given a lolipop if you achieve an MDQT – Katie is pictured holding her lolipop!


Train Together, Win Together, Have FUN Together