Swim Britain – win a masterclass session from an Olympic Coach

Sign up to Swim Britain to win a Masterclass session from an Olympic coach at your

British Gas Swim Britain is a new series of swimming relay events nationwide designed
to get Britain fit and healthy. The ambition is to get 500,000 more people swimming
by 2015! The challenge is for teams of four, so there are many options for you.
How about a combined swimmer and coaches team, or swimmers participating with their
families? Spectators, officials and volunteers in your club can have their moment
of swimming glory in the pool (or in the Open Water if you fancy taking on the challenge
of the Great Lake in Blenheim Palace!). SwimBritain is for swimmers of all abilities.
You can choose a SwimBritain 4,000m team relay, or if that’s too far, go for Little
SwimBritain – a 2,000m team relay.

ASA affiliated clubs can receive 50% off each team they enter with a social media
leader board via facebook and twitter showing tracking which clubs have signed up
the most teams. Your stories and successes will also be publicised in the October
issue of Swimming Times offering nationwide promotion for your club.

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The events are taking place in 10 pools and 1 open water venue around the country
with over 150 other locations offering free coaching sessions. Visitwww.swimming.org/poolfinder
for pools near you. Here are the events for 2013:

Coventry Sports Centre – 31st August
Blenheim Palace – 1st September
Sheffield Ponds Forge – 1st September
Sunderland Aquatics Centre – 7th September
Hillingdon Sports and Leisure Complex – 8th September
Portsmouth Mountbatten Centre – 15th September
Manchester Aquatics Centre – 21st September
Cardiff International Pool – 22nd September
Hengrove Leisure Park, Bristol – 28th September
Edinburgh Royal Commonwealth Pool – 29th September
London Fields Lido – 29th September

All your club needs to do is sign up the most teams to take part in SwimBritain
and you will be in with the chance of winning training session from an Olympic coach.
For more information and to sign up visit www.swimbritain.co.uk/challenge [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?

In addition to this British Gas have allocated Club Grant funding which will be
available in September to help clubs set up new activity linked, this will be available
to ASA clubs who sign up to SwimBritain.

If you have any queries on SwimBritain please complete the contact form on www.swimbritain.co.uk/contact
to ensure that it is dealt with by the right person.

Good Luck and Sign Up!

Lewis swims 5000 meters for the Birmingham Childrens Hospital

On Saturday 13th July, Lewis Carless swam further than he had ever done before in his life, to raise money for the Birmingham Childrens Hospital. Lewis, who is only 8 years old, has a brother called Mason who is a regular visitor at Birmingham Childrens Hospital.


So Lewis wanted to do something to help the hospital. Lewis swam the 5000 meters in 2 hours and 19 minutes, and has raised over £700 so far for the hospital. Everyone at Beeches is very proud of Lewis and his massive achievement.



Success – Pip’s Channel Swim Team have Done it

Pip’s Channel Swim team (also known as Big Ricks) have successfully completed a two way swim of the English Channel in 20 hours and 40 minutes. After 13 months of hurt, they have achieved what they set out to do. They completed their swim with Bob Cash taking the last leg, swimming into Shakespeare beach – an emotional experience for them all.

Beeches are proud of every single member of the team – you are all heroes, and should be very proud of what you have achieved.

Pips channel team

Pip’s team – progress so far

Last Facebook update from the boys (at 10:00 this morning):

Seven hrs done , 6 miles from France . Must deserve one of Fred’s Masterpieces famous bacon rolls , Basher and Supa get 1st round

big ricks


Just checked on Masterpiece’s location (at 13:40):

ScreenHunter_06 Jul. 15 13.40

Swim boys swim!!!

If you want to see the boys progress please click here.


Pip’s Channel Swim Team are swimming the Channel Today

The call has come in – Swim starts at 02:00 on Monday 15th July!

Paul’s latest blog is attached below – Good luck guys!

“finally the time has come…no more talking or no more asking for help…its 100% swim time ,

Our double swim of the English channel looks set to go ahead in the early hours on Monday morning starting around 1am.. …

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their messages of good luck…it means a lot to me and the guys  ,

it’s been a tough emotional 9 months for the 6 of us..We hope can make the swim a success this year for many private and personal reasons..,..

We will for sure give it our best shot….Let’s do it..

If u wish to stop up all day and night to follow our progress then these are links to help you…
thank you for your help, your support , for your Kinds words
Paul.x ‘

CSA ships GPS tracker links…our Boat is called Masterpiece..
(Channel Swimming Association Link to Masterpiece)

ShipAIS tracker link, you will again find Masterpiece and all ships that are
in the channel

also will be updating on our Twitter

A thank you to you all ,for your Kinds words
your for help, and of course for your support over the last 3 years..

This is the last swim..so let’s do it..;-))  ,

Breakthrough Breast Cancer..


Big well done to all who took part in the final of this years mercian league

A big well done and thank you to all of the swimmers who took part in the final round of this year’s Mercian League.

A very depleted team (from illness, other commitments, and even one swimmer – Dominic Blackwell – achieving a MDQT at last weekend’s Boldmere Open Meet, meaning he was too fast to compete), did very well in a hot and sticky Solihull pool.

With 8 first place swims (Girls Open Medley relay – Jessica Jones, Sareena Gaddu, Katie Gulliver, Lucy Gale), Jessica Deans (50m Free), Jessica Jones (Open 100m backstroke), Jessica Deans (10/under 25m fly), Pia Tonks (12/under 100m free), Sareena Gaddu (14/under Breaststroke), Katie Gulliver (Open 100m Free) and the girls 14/under medley relay team (Jessica Jones, Sareena Gaddu, Sancha Tonks, Lucy Keyte), all of whom did brilliantly well.

These along with twelve other top three finishes, all of the swimmers should congratulate themselves for a good evening of swimming. Out of the 34 individual races, there were 13 personal best times achieved.

Well done to all who took part – the swimmers were a credit to their coaches.

Results available in the members section.

Train Together, Win Together, Have FUN Together