British Long Distance swimming association Champion of Champions 15 June 2013

Perry Beeches Masters’  swimmer  shines at Champion of champions race

Last Saturday 15th june was the famous BDLSA Champion of Champions event down in Dover at the famous swimmers beech in the Harbour. For the uninitiated the champions race is considered the hardest Open Water event in Uk, Why because its consists of a 5mile swim, followed by a 3mile swim and the ending in a 1mile swim – just for good measure. In between each swim is a chance for the swimmers to wrap themselves up in as many layers as possible in the hope that they have enough time before the next swim to stop shaking and regain feeling back in their feet/fingers/lips etc, consume as many cups of tea/coffee/hot chocolate they can manage without spilling (due to the shakes) and eat as much food as they can lay their hands on. All in all it’s a very enjoyable day out…!!

This year Perry Beeches Master swimmer Paul Bates made the long trip from the midlands to join the 90 + entrants completing various combinations of the 3 swims, Paul`s plan was to hopefully swim the 5 & 3 &1 mile swims.

Paul Bates at the champion of champions event 2013

The 5 mile started at 9.30 am in 12.5 degree temperatures (felt colder )  ,the swim proved to be extra challenging as swimmers were forced to battle through some rough conditions as the winds picked up half way through the swim. Indeed there were many comments of “I just wasn’t moving..” at the end of the race. The high winds also had a detrimental effect on the course as one of the course markers came loose and started heading out to sea. However, we the swimmers had no idea of this turn of events and obediently carried on , as result of the planned 5 mile swim turned into almost 7 miles, taking paul almost 3hrs to complete …

Thankfully by the time of the 3 mile swim, the course had been re-adjusted to a  length .75 miles loops and was all the quicker for it. Paul taking and just over an hour to complete it…finally at 5.45 on the night after swimming all day the final mile was started..and thankfully completed …! Thank God.

And massive Congratulations to Beeches swimmer Paul Bates, who produced a suburb performance on the day to come in 3rd place in snr men`s event in a combined time of 4hrs 27 minutes for the 9.9 mile swim (yes we had to do almost an extra mile..) no mean feat against much younger swimmers  . Paul asked after the event said “The conditions were tough all day ,in the end  i was just pleased to have finished and survived, After the 1st section of the race I was all for giving up, i was frozen through plus had jelly stings to my legs and face ,but was  given morale boosting chats by many of the swimmers during the day which helped me carry on… and finish..!” 🙂


British Gas Masters and Senior Age Group Championships

Congratulations to both Becky Smith and Claire Thorn who both competed at the British Gas and Senior Age Group Championships.

Becky over the weekend of competition competed in the 200 freestyle (1st place), 100 freestyle (3rd place), 400 freestyle (3rd place) and 800 freestyle (3rd place).

Claire competed in the 50 Breaststroke (4th place), 200 freestyle (3rd place), 400 freestyle (3rd place), 100 Breaststroke (3rd place) and 800 freestyle (5th place).

A big well done to both from all at Beeches.

Full results can be found here.

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Beeches Committee – can you come along and help?

We would love to have more of you involved in the running of ‘our’ club. If you would be interested in any of positions on the committee, please email Mandy via

Or if you would just like to talk to someone about volunteering in general please email Elaine via

Help us to help run the club 🙂

AGM is coming – Wednesday June 19th @ 19:00

That time of year is almost upon us again!

PBSSS’s AGM will be held at Beeches pool on Wednesday 19th June at 19:00.

We need your help! The club is run entirely by volunteers – if you can spare some of your valuable time to help us to run this club, please can you let Elaine Gale (Workforce coordinator) know via

We would like nominations for the following roles for this year’s AGM – please send any nominations through to secretary@perrybeechesswimming no later than 21:00 Friday 14th June.

We have lots of roles available, which you can go for :

Committee Position 2013.14 Nomination 1  2013.14 Nomination 2
Vice Chair
Welfare Officer
Swim 21 Coordinator
Membership Secretary
Disability / Inclusion
Workforce Coordinator
Parent Representative (learn to swim/Competitive)
School Liaison
Parent / Swimmer liason

Plus many other exciting roles. Any queries please email – all nominations to be sent through by Friday 14th June – Thank you.



Mercian League Round 2 at Cheslyn Hay

After an interesting start to the evening, with much of the team held up on M6 due to an accident, the team swam well in the second round of the Mercian League. With 9 first places going to:

Girls 12/under Medley Relay (Danya Gaddu, Hannah Kilminster, Pia Tonks and Sancha Tonks)

Hannah Kilminster (Girls 12/under breaststroke)

Dom Blackwell (14/under Freestyle and 14/under Breaststroke)


Pia Tonks (12/under freestyle)

Sareena Gaddu (14/under breaststroke)

Katie Gulliver (Open Girls freestyle)

Girls 14/under Medley Relay (Jessica Jones, Sareena Gaddu, Lucy Keyte, Grace Morgan)

Girls 12/under freestyle Danya Gaddu, Hannah Kilminster, Pia Tonks and Sancha Tonks)

With 10 other top three finishers, and a fourth place it was a respectable evening for Beeches.

Personal bests on the night were achieved by Hannah Lawrence (50 Back & Free), Lily Massey (50 Breast & 25 fly), Grace Morgan (100 Free), Sareena Gaddu (100 Breast & 100 Back), Katie Gulliver (100 Free), Daniel Kilminster (50 Back & Free), Kynan Walker (100 Back), Ben Coeulle (100 Free), Dom Blackwell (100 IM), Andrew Gulliver (100Fly & Back), Jamie Keyte (100 Breast).

Well done to all who swam  – results available in the Members section.

A Thank You message from the Head Coach:

I would like to add my congratulations to the team for Saturday’s performance.  We did not have any disqualifications!!  Well done everyone.Thank you all for your efforts and for the team spirit, it was a pleasure to be on poolside with you.  A particular thank you goes to Andrew Gulliver who stood in for Dom Cotter’s two individual events, as Dom had received an injury playing football earlier in the day.Dave


Volunteers’ week 1-7 June – the ASA says thank you

Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June – Time to Say Thank You

Welcome to Volunteers’ Week!

Volunteers’ Week is an annual campaign to celebrate the fantastic contribution of volunteers, this year the theme for the week is ‘Time to say Thank You.’

The ASA would like to take this opportunity to say a huge:



for your dedication to volunteering in aquatics. Without your hard work, time, energy and continued commitment the sport just wouldn’t happen – you really do make the difference .

To help us say ‘Thank You’ we’ve showcased the incredible contribution of our aquatic volunteers in our short film, look out for some familiar faces showing their appreciation for your work as volunteers. Watch the video here.


 To mark Volunteers’ Week we have prepared a

special edition of Making A Difference, the ASA’s volunteering e-newsletter which features some of our most dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. Download the special edition here.

There will be lots more going on during Volunteers’ Week, so make sure you’re following the ASA on Twitter and Facebook for more opportunities to get involved! For a sneak peek at the exciting competitions running and the prizes up for grabs visit the ASA website.


Remember you can thank your volunteers by downloading our Volunteers’ Week certificate.


You can tell us how you are celebrating Volunteers’ Week by contacting



Thank you for your commitment!


Francesca Kelly

ASA Head of Volunteer Engagement

Train Together, Win Together, Have FUN Together