Masters are GO at the Staffordshire County Championships!

Perry Beeches’ Staffordshire Masters Team.
A great effort by The Beeches Famous Five.
We may have been a small team…but we had big results …loads of medals loads of personal bests – a great effort one and all.
The Beeches Team for the weekend consisted of Cathy, Becky, Stephen, Pete and Jenny.
Between them they amassed:
11 Golds
5 Silvers
4 Bronze
25 top 5 places
Gooooooooooooo Beeches .!!!!
Report by Paul Bates.


Warwickshire County Champs Week 1 27/28 Jan 2018

It was an amazing weekend for the Perry Beeches sss swimmers who took part in the first weekend at the Warwickshire County Championships at Coventry’s 50m pool.

First with success was Carys Higgins, who came second in the 11/unders 200 Breaststroke.

Then, the boys medley and freestyle relay teams of Joel Harris, Callum Gibbons, Vashon St Rose, Harry McGovern, Billy Martin, Mason Carless, Jacob Dunn, Daniel Johnson and Metin Ulukus – many of whom came to swim and support the team, whilst gaining useful 50m swimming experience.

Carys then went on to reach the finals of the 50 Backstroke, coming 8th in the final.

Catrise Hart and Becky Gulliver also made the final for their age group of the 50 Backstroke – Catrise coming 3rd and Becky 4th.

Harvey Higgins won the 50 Butterfly for the 13/unders.

Then onto the 100 Back for Boys – Lewis made the final and came 6th, and Jamie Keyte came 7th.

Harvey also made the final of the 200 IM – and won this too for the 13/under category.

Onto Sunday’s races and the girls 100 freestyle, Carys and Becky both reached the finals in their age groups, and both came 6th in their respective finals.

Then onto the girl’s 50 freestyle. Again Carys and Becky made the finals in their age groups, this time Carys came 6th and Becky came 5th in their age groups.

Becky then went onto swim in the girls 400 freestyle, coming 3rd in the 13/under category.

Harvey then swam the 50 and 100 Breaststroke making the finals for both events. Harvey came 3rd in the 50 Breast and 2nd in the 100 Breast.

Perhaps Harvey was saving himself for the 200 Freestyle, where he cruised home to an easy win! Jamie also made the final coming an admirable 4th place in his age group.

Carys, not wanting to be outdone by Big Brother, went onto win the 11/under girls 100 Butterfly in the final. Becky also made the 13/under final, coming 7th.

Catrise and Becky finished the day off in the 200 Backstroke final – Catrise coming 2nd and Becky 7th in the 13/unders final.

Well done to everyone who took part – all events have to be qualified for, meaning they have all worked really hard to get there in the first place. Special thanks to the relay swimmers too.

Here’s looking forwards to the second half of the Warwicks this coming weekend…….


Beeches Club Captains 2018

Beeches Club Captains are voted for each year by the Seniors and Masters swimmers, and the aim is for the club captains to support the team, and attend galas where they can.

This year it was a repeat of last year, with Jamie Keyte and Katie Gulliver both winning the votes, and being crowned club captains for the Boys and Girls, at the Annual Club’s Christmas gala.

Well done to both Jamie and Katie 🙂

Vernon Tonks Trophy winners 2017

Vernon Tonks was a very successful coach at Perry Beeches swimming club, who unfortunately passed away in 2013. Two trophies were bought in his memory, and are given to the best performing girl(s) and boy(s) at the Annual Club’s Christmas Gala.

This year two girls are to share the trophy – Lois Markham (9) and Carys Higgins (10), who both won every single race in their age groups.

There were also two winners for the boys this year – Joel Harris (9), and Jacob Dunn (11) – again both of them winning every single event in their respective age group.

Head Coach Helen Pordage is very proud of all four swimmers and their achievements to date.

Train Together, Win Together, Have FUN Together