Reminder – Annual Membership is now due

You should by now have received an email asking for you to pay the annual membership for each swimmer.

Below is what has been emailed out (any queries please let us know):

We send out the membership form, and medical form each year, to ensure our information is as up to date as it can be. Please complete, and return ALL forms with payment(s) to Beeches by no later than Friday 17th February 2017.  Failure to return the forms and make the payment will mean SWIMMER can not swim until this has been completed. Electronic copies may be emailed to membership

Annual Membership fee per swimmer for 2017 is £33 for Category 1 (Learn to Swim/None Competitive) and £60 for Category 2 (Competitive) per swimmer. If you are unsure which to pay please see the Bottom of this email.

Standing Order Monthly Swimming Fees remain unchanged for the fifth year running. 

(Please note that ALL swimming fees are annualised – payments MUST be made every month of the year).


Paying online is easy! Account name Perry Beeches Triple S Swimming Club, Account number 03093730, Sort Code 30-98-37 – Please quote Reference Renew SWIMMERS NAME. If you have more than one swimmer and wish to split your membership money across three cheques, please date them as one in January, one in February and one in March, all made payable to PBSSS – or set up three online payments.

The following monthly fees are payable


Session Nbr per week SO amount per month Cash amount per month
Widths 1 £19 £22
Widths (or 1 width plus 1 length) 2+ £26 £29
Lengths 1 £24 £27
Lengths 2 £31 £34
Lengths 3+ £33 £36
Seniors 18 and over 3+ £27 £30


Cash payers monthly fees are now £3 extra to pay by cash – this is due to the amount of admin that is caused. An option to pay the years’ fees – saving £10 per swimmer – has been introduced (Please ask for more information). Reduced rates apply for families with 3 or more children swimming – lowest fee when there are 3 children is reduced by 50%. Reduced rates for families with four children – fourth child swims free. If you’re experiencing difficulties please let us know.

If you have any queries or questions regarding your membership or fees, please contact the Secretary via call  07793 560698. Session times and pool locations may be found on our website –

Do I need to pay Category 1 or 2  Membership?

Category 1:

Learn to Swim – Babes, Tiddlers, Widths, Beginners Lengths, Advanced Lengths

Youth Group, Some Masters, Adult Learn to Swim and Improvers

Category 2 (needed to take part in competitions):

Junior Squad, Seniors, Some Masters

If you would like a logon to our club’s database – please email and ask for your logon details.